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國際處 Office of International Affairs

President of 天母の塾 visited CTBC BS for Searching an Ideal Education Destination

Tian Mu No Juku (天母の塾) is a cram school which provides after school tutoring for Japanese students living in Taiwan. With the reference from our very own professor, Umehara Katsuhiko, the president of TMNJ visited our campus last week on September 23, and was accommodated by the International Affairs and Accreditation Center. After being briefed about CTBC, the TMNJ President, Mr. Yusaku Yano was impressed by our educational philosophy, training and employment opportunity offered to students, and commented that CTBC is a reliable partner to be introduced to the students in his school.

CTBC Business School is continuing recruiting students from all the world. Currently, we have three degree-pursuing students from Japan. One of the student just completed her paid internship at late August in Taipei. We look forward to having more Japanese students to be in our campus.

Photograph with Mr. and Mrs. YANO (second and first from the left), Professor UMEHARA KATSUHIKO (first from the right)

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